Young people collaborate to define schools and schooling
The workshop aims to enhance participants' understanding of the vital roles that mentors and schools play in the lives of young people. It welcomes mentors, students, teachers, parents, and volunteers to foster collaboration and growth.
The students at Tagore International School aspire to become politicians. They share their understanding of the profession and discuss how their school can support them in achieving their goals.
What is the important role of stakeholders, and how can we support schools in enhancing the quality of education? The journey of My Good School and the Good Schools Alliance started in 2012 at our studio in Shajpurjat, New Delhi, during a YES Workshop. During this workshop, young people collaborated to outline the essential elements that define an ideal school: Service, Skill, Sport, and Study. Together, we can work towards making #MyGoodSchool a reality.
The workshop was suitable and very interesting. We learnt quite a lot. We know that each of us is 10/10, yet we may have different likings, ways of thinking, and passions. We learnt to work with a team and create something creative and new. The workshop was FUN!!
Thank you. J
- Sreoshi Mukherjee
I've attended many leadership summits; this is the only one where the Trainer intellectually connected with the audience. To improve the process, please provide written material or handouts for the person to refer to in the future and retain the ideas for a longer period.
- Raghav Mendiratta
This is a great initiative. The suitable workshop helped me balance my studies, sports, skills, and services. These workshops should be held more often.
- Abhishek Jayaram
It was a good experience with "Youth Engaging Society (YES)."
- Yashish Sharma
Just 60 days of YES—what a success! I'm sure this 'Brand' will go a long way. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, which was full of fun and excitement.
- Tanya Roy
I will sit back and consider whether I can find myself. This workshop has greatly inspired me, though it didn't interest me initially; towards the end, it left a strong mark and raised questions in my life.
- Rubani Seth